To all members of the Northeastern Community:
As a community united by our bonds of fellowship and reason, we are all grieving today over yet another shocking slaughter of innocents. The horrific attack on two mosques in New Zealand is an attack on our most deeply held values, and therefore, an attack on each one of us.
As these senseless tragedies continue to occur, it is easy to feel a numbing sense of helplessness—as if love, goodness, and the recognition of our shared humanity are ideals without power. To this, we must never succumb.
So today, beyond offering the people of New Zealand and the Muslim community our heartfelt support and prayers, let all of us in the Northeastern family live our core values every day. As humans, our diversity must make us stronger, not weaker. Our differences must lead to insights, not ignorance.
Let us act—to affirm one another, to value one another, and embrace one another across all differences. No form of hatred can sever the unbreakable bonds that all of us share as members of the human family.
Joseph E. Aoun